Medical mattress , 90 cm , Systam


1,150.00 SAR
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  • The medical mattress  prevents and relieve pain from pressure ulcers/bedsores and other conditions that occur from using a traditional mattress.

    Characterized by :

    • Resistant to heat and bacteria 
    • Aeration channels between blocks : help to reduce the effects of maceration through improved mattress ventilation
    • Mattress moulded in one section : guarantee for a perfect holding in the cover and compatible with standard and multi-sections bed bases
    • Independence & mobility of the blocks : have been carefully researched to offer a significant reduction in the shear forces
    • Large surface of plots : allowing to maximise the contact surface between the patient and the support thus to decrease the Max. pressures on area at risk
    • The Systam® high resiliency foam is moulded and of high density (40 kg/m3, medical grade) offering great comfort and very large flexibility
    • Its physical features (elasticity, weight bearing capacity) ensure great resistance against sagging and avoiding therewith the bottoming effects
    • Height of 14 cm with rounded corners for easier installation of supports in bed frame.
    • Dimensions : width : 90 cm , length : 190 cm
    • Color : blue
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