3M Face Mask N95


360.00 SAR
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This resirator hels rotect against certain articulate contaminants but does not eliminate exosure to or the risk of contracting any disease or infection. Misuse may result in sickness or death. For roer use, see suervisor, or User Instructions, or call 3M in U.S.A., 1-800-247-3941. In Canada, call Technical Service at 1-800-267-4414. IMORTANT Before use, the wearer must read and understand these User Instructions. Kee these instructions for reference. DESCRITION The 3M 1860 Health Care articulate Resirator and Surgical Mask is designed to hel rovide resiratory rotection for the wearer. This roduct has a filter efficiency level of 95% or greater against articulate aerosols free of oil1 . It is fluid resistant, disosable and may be worn in surgery. It can fit a wide range of face sizes. This roduct contains no comonents made from natural rubber latex. INTENDED USE: This roduct meets CDC guidelines for Mycobacterium tuberculosis exosure control. As a resirator, it is intended to reduce wearer exosure to certain airborne articles in a size range of 0.1 to >10.0 microns, including those generated by electrocautery, laser surgery, and other owered medical instruments. As a surgical mask, it is designed to be fluid resistant to slash and satter of blood and other infectious materials; when worn roerly and in combination with rotective eyewear, it comlies with the OSHA Bloodborne athogens Standard. It also rovides >99% BFE2 against wearer generated micro-organisms. CONTRAINDICATIONS: Not for industrial use. Not for use with beards or other facial hair that revents direct contact between the face and the sealing surface of the resirator. OSHA has not set a ermissible exosure level for airborne biohazards. USE INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Before use for resiratory rotection, a written resiratory rotection rogram must be imlemented meeting all requirements of OSHA 29 CFR 1910.139 and/or 1910.134 such as medical evaluation, training and fit testing. In Canada, CSA standard Z94.4 requirements must be met. The 3M saccharin (sweet) or Bitrix (bitter)qualitative fit test is recommended for this resirator. When used only as a surgical mask, fit testing is not required. 2. Resirator may be used until damaged, breathing becomes difficult, or contaminated with blood or body fluids. Otherwise, it may be stored and reused according to the facility ¬„s infection control olicy. 3. Filtering faceieces are to be insected rior to each use to assure there are no holes in the breathing zone other than the unctures around stales and no damage has occurred. Enlarged holes resulting from ried or torn filter material around stale unctures are considered damage. Immediately relace resirator if damaged. Stale erforations do not affect NIOSH aroval. 4. Discard after every use when used for surgical rocedures. Fitting Instructions (Must be followed each time resirator is worn) Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Fig. 3 Fig. 4 1. Cu the resirator in your hand, with the noseiece at your fingertis, allowing the headbands to hang freely below your hand. 2. osition the resirator under your chin with the noseiece u. ull the to stra over your head resting it high at the to back of your head. ull the bottom stra over your head and osition it around the neck below the ears. 3. lace your fingertis from both hands at the to of the metal noseiece. Using two hands, mold the nose area to the shae of your nose by ushing inward while moving your fingertis down both sides of the noseiece. ! inching the noseiece using one hand may result in imroer fit and less effective resirator erformance. Use two hands. 4. erform a User Seal Check rior to each wearing. To check the resirator-to-face seal, lace both hands comletely over the resirator and exhale. Be careful not to disturb the osition of the resirator. If air leaks around nose, readjust the noseiece as described in ste 3. If air leaks at the resirator edges, work the stras back along the sides of your head. If you CANNOT achieve roer seal, DO NOT enter the isolation or treatment area. See your suervisor. Removal Instructions See ste 2 of Fitting Instructions and cu resirator in hand to maintain osition on face. ull bottom stra over head. Still holding resirator in osition, ull to stra over head and remove resirator.
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SKU: Face Mask N95 box 20pcs