Accu-Chek Active Blood Glucose Test Strips (50 pcs/Box)

Price :

50.00 SAR
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The strips are ONLY used with Accu-Check Active monitors for self-measuring of blood glucose .
The measurement requires:

  • The strips
  • Accu-Check Active Blood Glucose Monitor
  • Lancing device

Characterized by :

  • Simple and easy to use : the blood is automatically absorbed by the strip and spreads quickly across it. The system then provides a fast and accurate result
  • Small blood volume required for testing: 1-2 µL
  • Measuring Range: 10 mg/dL - 600 mg/dL
  • Proven Accuracy:  It fulfils ISO 15197:2013 standards of accuracy
  • Easy-handling: A clear protective barrier runs along the entire length of the test strip to protect the strips and the chemistry, which makes it easy to use
  • Out-of-meter dosing. Blood can be applied to the test strip outside of the meter allowing for greater flexibility 
5 in stock

SKU: Accu-Chek Active Strips